Teacher of the Month: Kyle Lovely


What is the thing you like most about teaching?

The best part about teaching is seeing how much more confident my students become with themselves after accomplishing progressively more difficult music.  So many of my students come in initially knowing very little about music and within a few months are performing at our recital.  It’s amazing to see such progress in a short amount of time, and it really gives them something to be proud of.

How do you inspire students to practice more?

Everyone goes through phases when they simply don’t feel like practicing for a period of time.  It’s completely normal, but it’s my job to help them get back in the game.  I ask them on occasion why they started playing.  Were they inspired by a friend?  Did they see someone on TV play?  There’s always a reason why we wanted to play and sometimes we lose the long term focus because practicing can get tedious in the short term.  Sometimes it requires a change in the repertoire, sometimes a fresh new song can inspire, everyone responds differently.  I made it through many phases of not wanting to practice, so I share some of my experiences with my students to help them out as well.

What is your educational and/or performance background?

I attended University of New Haven and earned a BA in Music and Sound Recording.  I’ve been a professional musician since I graduated college.  I’ve actively toured in bands and released quite a few albums over the years.

What is your favorite type of music?

Classical, metal, and video game music.

If you could give a quick tip for pianists, what would it be?

Be patient and stay positive.  Today’s struggles will be tomorrow’s eases. 🙂

What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?

Taco Bell.

Any other interesting facts about you?

I have an uncanny affinity for tacos, love playing video games, and I’m currently finishing up two albums being released later this year.