Pulling Out Your Hair? – Practice Survival Tips for Parents!

As you’ve all noticed, at Canton Arts Academy, we put high importance on the value of practicing. This is because we know there is a limited amount of teaching we can do at a weekly lesson without 
full effort at home each and every day.  However, we know that for parents, practice time can be much worse than for the student! Endless reminders, battles, and fighting to get your child to the piano 
and stay there can seem like maybe piano “just isn’t worth it.”   Yes it is!  You can make it!  And we want to help.  Here are some helpful hints that just might help you make it through one more week of practice (without banging your head on the wall to the 
rhythm of the music).
Reward your child for practicing!  Don’t always punish for lack of practice, reward for practicing without a reminder from a parent, or even for practicing before school. One family gives their child one dollar every time he gets his practice in before the bus comes in the morning.  This works wonderfully!  Mom and Dad know quality practice is taking place, and the student gets practicing out of the way so he can enjoy his evening after school or concentrate on sports.
If you use allowance in conjunction with piano, please use it to reinforce practicing, not for passing a song.  I’ve had students in the past burst into tears when they didn’t get a sticker.  I later found out that allowance was being withheld if they didn’t learn all their songs perfectly.  Augh!  This threw me into a panic!  I had a huge pressure on me, as a teacher, knowing my student wouldn’t get his dollar for the week if I didn’t think the song was perfect!  That’s not what we are striving for, folks.  However, I would recommend rewarding your child for diligently practicing each day, just like making his bed or doing homework.