Pet & Student of the Month

Pet of the Month
Meet Juno, Ms. Briana’s Dog
Juno…also called on occasion for fun June, Junie B, Junebug, Buno, Poochie, Pooch, Al Poochino, Pooches and Cream.

Want your pet featured as Pet of the Month?
email us a pic and some fun info!

Art Student of the Month
Emily M 


Emily love to draw and specifically enjoys drawing Anime. She has enjoyed learning from her drawing teacher, Mr. Shawn.
Her Favorite artist is WengYan.  She has a puppy boxer named MARLEY:) Her favorite animal is a DUCK!!!!  When she gets hungry she wants CHICK -FIL-A…don’t we all! 
Emily’s favorite movie is Any MARVEL movie! 
Her Favorite Song is BTS’s Fake Love 
Her favorite TV show is SHERLOCK 
Emily lovs to write short stories and is currently studying Japanese.  She is very interested in learning about the Japanese culture and hopes to visit one day. She has visited Epcot and it was her absolute favorite place!
We are so proud of our students of the month!!!