Shawn’s Art Tips

When coloring your drawings, do not use black, or white.  Without getting into the complexities of color theory, we’ll just say black and white are not technically colors. Besides if you look at something in real life that is black or white, you’ll notice other colors hidden in them.  So instead of using that black color pencil, try a dark blue, or purple.  And instead of white try a pale yellow.  You’ll be surprised how much life your drawing will have when you do this!

Shawn teaches classes of drawing, comics & manga, and photoshop each week!

Call us today to setup a trial class with Shawn at Canton Arts!


Welcoming New Teachers!


Ann M.

Ann has studied Vocal Performance and Music Education at Montclair State University, where she graduated with a BA in Vocal Technique. She has a background preforming in prestigious chamber choir, and the New Jersey Symphony Orchestra. She  enjoys working with younger students who have passion for the spotlight. Ann   just recently moved to Atlanta and is excited to share her skills with her new and upcoming students.


Zach B.

My experience playing the drums goes back to elementary school when I received a student model Ludwig snare drum and began lessons with a couple of great local drummers. After graduating high school and then from Atlanta Institute of Music I immediately began my career traveling the southeast US playing drums as well as teaching private lessons. These days I’m enjoying life in the North metro area with my wife and daughter, our two dogs, and playing music! Being able to teach private drum lessons is one of the most gratifying endeavors I have been a part of and I am excited to be a part of Canton Arts Academy.

January events and deals you won’t want to miss!

Are you looking to get a chance to showcase your progress with your music lessons?

Well your opportunity is coming up fast! This years Winter Recital is just right around the corner on Jan 26th. Make sure you get your spot to perform before the all fill up on Sign Up Genius. We are super excited to watch Canton Arts Academy students perform during the recital this winter! 

If you have any questions or comments, please text us at 770-345-7529/ask your instructor or




Image result for free registartion

Image result for Customer Appreciation Month

We appreciate the opportunity to teach your child music and art.  We offer  private guitar, drums, piano, voice, violin, viola, ukulele and bass lessons Monday-Wednesday’s and Friday’s.  Art classes include HOW TO DRAW EVERYTHING and COMICS AND MANGA offered Monday and Wednesday. We are offering FREE Registration to all new members enrolled in January 2019!  Text us to get instructor details/scheduling. 

Want to Earn $1000?


Dear students,

I’d like to thank you once again for allowing us to be your music school provider. We really appreciate the opportunity to work with you each week and look forward to helping you accomplish your musical goals!

Since we use the Musical Ladder System® in our school we are participating in an international contest along with all of the other almost 100 schools in the US, Canada and Australia that use the system.

You could win $1,000!! If you win, the Musical Ladder® parent company will also give us $5,000 to improve the school. It’s a win-win and a BIG deal!

HOW TO ENTER – It’s easy!

Anytime (the sooner the better) before November 1st (and the voting starts NOW!) make a video of yourself:
1. Talk about how music is important to you and why.
2. Talk about your experience at our school.
3. Talk about how you’ve been climbing the Musical Ladder® and what you think of the wristbands, trophy, system, etc
4. Sing or play an ‘original’ or ‘public domain’ song (this step is OPTIONAL). *Please do not upload or perform songs that you do not own the copyright too. Any entries with copywritten material will be removed and entry will be disqualified.
5. Upload the song to YouTube and notify the office.

 6. Encourage your friends to VIEW your video! Spread the word and get as MANY views as you can before 11/1/17!!


The Purpose of Piano Lessons

Your kids have a once-a-week lesson.  They come home with songs to practice.  Sometimes they are brand new songs, sometimes they are songs to review from the previous week.  So what on earth is the piano teacher doing anyway?  What is she looking for after a week with these songs?

When we assign your child a song to practice, we are looking for a few important things to happen:

Concepts Mastered. 

Each week, students are introduced to new terms or concepts.  The assigned songs help reinforce and teach these concepts during the week, and then the next lesson will build upon what has been learned.

Attaining Confidence. 

It takes a lot of confidence to play in front of your piano teacher and not be so nervous that it affects how you perform.  We are teaching our students to relax and do the best that they can.   Because learning music is about sharing the gift of music. . .and you can’t do that if you never perform.

Reach High. 

We place a high standard on our students.  Our philosophy is that even if they don’t reach that mark, they’ve still come further than if we would have settled for less.  However, perfection is not our ultimate goal.  Is the music beautiful?  Filled with emotion?  Up to tempo?  Expressing what the composer intended?

Gaining Discipline. 

The reason we enforce “Perfect Practice,” a stretching goal for any individual, is to teach discipline to children.  Pursuing an instrument is a big responsibility (and a big investment for parents).  We think that practicing every day is the only way to truly progress in the music world. . .and to slowly learn how to be a responsible, disciplined adult someday.

Welcoming New Faces to Canton Arts Academy!!

We are super excited to share with you the newest member to our team of

professionals here at Canton Arts Academy!

Please join us in welcoming our newest piano instructor, Mr. Taylor! 

Mr. Taylor has experience in all genres of music to allow students a wide selection of music to practice. Through his professional journey, he has spent years working on commercial writing, jingles, and scoring to video games and film. 

Welcome to Canton Arts Academy, Taylor!

Shawn’s Drawing Tips!

Nothing exists in an empty white void, so add a background to your drawing! I know most of my students love drawing characters, but you have to remember the background is its own character! Just as an interesting character brings the your favorite movie to life, so does an interesting background to your drawing. 
Shawn teaches classes of drawing, comics & manga, and photoshop each week!
Call us today to setup a trial class with Shawn at Canton Arts!

Pulling Out Your Hair? – Practice Survival Tips for Parents!

As you’ve all noticed, at Canton Arts Academy, we put high importance on the value of practicing. This is because we know there is a limited amount of teaching we can do at a weekly lesson without 
full effort at home each and every day.  However, we know that for parents, practice time can be much worse than for the student! Endless reminders, battles, and fighting to get your child to the piano 
and stay there can seem like maybe piano “just isn’t worth it.”   Yes it is!  You can make it!  And we want to help.  Here are some helpful hints that just might help you make it through one more week of practice (without banging your head on the wall to the 
rhythm of the music).
Reward your child for practicing!  Don’t always punish for lack of practice, reward for practicing without a reminder from a parent, or even for practicing before school. One family gives their child one dollar every time he gets his practice in before the bus comes in the morning.  This works wonderfully!  Mom and Dad know quality practice is taking place, and the student gets practicing out of the way so he can enjoy his evening after school or concentrate on sports.
If you use allowance in conjunction with piano, please use it to reinforce practicing, not for passing a song.  I’ve had students in the past burst into tears when they didn’t get a sticker.  I later found out that allowance was being withheld if they didn’t learn all their songs perfectly.  Augh!  This threw me into a panic!  I had a huge pressure on me, as a teacher, knowing my student wouldn’t get his dollar for the week if I didn’t think the song was perfect!  That’s not what we are striving for, folks.  However, I would recommend rewarding your child for diligently practicing each day, just like making his bed or doing homework.

We Are Celebrating!! – Find us on the cover of Canton Family Life

We’re celebrating! 
In honor of being featured on the cover article of Canton Family Life Magazine,
we’re offering one FREE Lesson and FREE registration fee (up to $56 VALUE) for any
new students who sign up for music or art lessons by Friday, Sept 29th.

We have music lessons for guitar, piano, voice, drums, and violin/ viola. 
We have group music classes for ages 1 and up!
We have art classes for drawing, painting, comics/ Manga,
Art club and Photoshop for ages 5 to adult.
To take advantage of this offer, stop by and tour our academy
next week anytime between Tuesday- Saturday. 
We’re open six days a week!
6768 Hickory Flat Hwy Suite 112 Canton GA 30115

How Music Helps Your Teen

How Music Helps Your Teen

I have 4 kids in my house: ages 6, 9, 11, and 13. With a new teenager in the house, I’ve been reading a lot of “parenting 
teens” books. Currently, I’m reading “Have a New Teenager by Friday” by Dr. Kevin Leman. What’s fascinating is Dr. Leman’s take on sullen, crabby, shut-down teens. He points out that because of fluctuating hormones, their opinions and tastes can change day by day, or moment to moment. He says that when we respond with interest in their opinions, instead of exasperation, teens open up and are more apt to share their thoughts with us. Why? This is what Dr. Leman says: “Because your teenager needs to know that somebody in the house cares enough to listen to what he says, even if what he says can sometimes be stupid and can change rapidly from week to week or hour to hour.”Several of my friends are bemoaning that suddenly their teens want to sleep all the time, don’t want to do their schoolwork, and are forgetting simple tasks that seemed to be habits just a year ago, such as brushing their teeth or making their bed. This “slacking” can be very frustrating to parents!  One friend of mine said that music lessons may be a cure: that the arts can help pull teens out of their “funk.” I completel agree!
Music can speak to kids in a way that words cannot. Music connects teens to their feelings—even if they can’t express it to you in words. Music can make them feel successful when the rest of the world seems to be caving in on them. Having a
music teacher who works with them one-on-one and who is not their parent, and who values their input and opinions, and is not shocked by their opinions or moods can be 
therapeutic for the whole family! Many teens express to us that their lessons are the highlight of their entire week!

These teens years are hard– let’s not slam our kids into the mold of what we think they “should” look like. We need to allow them grow and flourish at their own pace. Allow music to be their therapy—it may be the best thing to help them through these tumultuous years. Let them progress at their own pace and in their own way. Maybe practicing isn’t happening as often as you like. But if they come out of their lesson smiling, you know you have a good thing going!